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PayPal & eBay Contact Information


  • PayPal & eBay Contact Information

    Why is it SO hard to contact PayPal (or eBay)? PayPal had to be sued in 2003 just to have them put their telephone number in a place where most persons could find it. Previously, PayPal had their toll free 800 number buried so deep in their website, people had to actually navigate through several pages and questionaires just to be able to reach the page with the phone number in it. The irony was, if a person was even able to reach a PayPal customer support represenative via the 800 number, that person did not have the authority to even help any PayPal users with serious issues -- the customer service representative could only read from a script and then promise to forward the case to "higher ups."

    It's 2011, and it's harder than ever to get in touch with PayPal. PayPal's basic customer service number is STILL hard to find on their website and to discourage people from contacting them, PayPal only lists a phone number that is NOT a toll free number and costs customers money to call. This "customer service" number is buried on the last page of their Terms of Service Agreement.

    However, PayPal strongly advises its users to contact them via Email. Why? It is one more delay they can use in order to NOT help you solve your problem. First, how many of you have contacted PayPal's normal "customer service" email address only to get a reply back that is "canned" and has nothing to do with your problem? Second, PayPal has written in Securities and Exchange filings that, "...good customer service costs money and we are not prepared to make the required investments in customer service." PayPal writes that to their investors to assure them that the bottom line (profits) matter more than developing an efficient customer service system. Profits over the customers that help make those profits?

    When you send PayPal an email, it goes straight to New Delhi, India where outsourced, low quality, trained robots answer your questions with pre-prepared replies and vague "straight from the book" recommendations. And why not? It's cheaper! The majority of PayPal's emails are answered by an Indian customer relations firm called "Daksh eServices Private Limited."

    The Ultimate Survival Guide is Finally Here! PayPal or eBay account frozen? Need a new account or multiple accounts? Find out EVERY way to SOLVE every PayPal or eBay Problem including...

    How to open new anonymous Paypal & eBay accounts!
    Learn how to get your current PayPal account restored...eBay, too!
    Protect yourself from the scammers by learning all their tricks...learn to win EVERY buyer/seller dispute and never lose money again!
    Never have your accounts restricted or frozen again by knowing exactly HOW your account gets targeted for limitation.
    Tons of free bonuses including our NEW Encyclopedia of PayPal Alternatives...over 100 pages of our 2011 reviews and information not included on this website! Step-by-step and full of useful inside information previously unknown to the general public!

    YES. This information is relevant for EVERY COUNTRY where PayPal & eBay are available! Every Tool & Trick in the Book...this is the ULTIMATE PayPal & eBay Survival Package! This is the REAL DEAL and you can't afford to not take a minute and check this out...

    Thanks to your friends at, contacting PayPal (and now eBay!) is a breeze! One of the tricks to solving your PayPal problem is to CONTACT THE RIGHT PERSON OR DEPARTMENT. The "normal" customer service number or "normal" customer service email won't get you anywhere...

    All Contact Information VERIFIED as of: 18 January 2011.

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